List of Nodal Authority for Appeal
In Email, the words used in the square brackets may be replaced with the respective symbols.
S.No. | Ministry/Department/Organisation | Name and Designation of Officer | Address | Phone No/Fax/Email |
1 | Central Board of Direct Taxes (Income Tax) | Prawin Kumar Principal Director General of Income Tax Administration and TPS |
Central Board of Direct Taxes Room no 523, Mayur Bhawan, Connaught Circus, New Delh | 01123412480 delhi.pdgit.admin.tps[at][dot]in |
2 | Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs | Shri Lalan Kumar Principal Additional Director General |
Directorate General of Taxpayer Services, 1st Floor, Central Revenue Building, I.P. Estate, New Delhi | 01123379331 lalan.1965[at]gov[dot]in |
3 | Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade | Shri N K Wadhwa Joint Secretary |
Room No. 258, Udyog Bhavan New Delhi | 01123061642 sanjiv.01[at]nic[dot]in |
4 | Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances | Ms. Jaya Dubey Joint Secretary |
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances Room No. 507, Sardar Patel Bhawal, New Delhi | 01123360208 jaya.dubey[at]nic[dot]in |
5 | Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare | Smt. S. Rukmani Joint Secretary |
Department of Agriculture Co-operation and Farmers Welfare Room No. 189, 1st Floor, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi | 01123381305 s.rukmani[at]nic[dot]in |
6 | Department of Agriculture Research and Education | Dr. Anil Rai ADG ICT ICAR |
Room No.-03B Krishi Bhawan | 01123046683 adg.ict[at][dot]in |
7 | Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying | Dr. Suparna Sharma Pachouri Joint Secretary |
Room No.398, 3rd Floor, Krishi Bhawan,New Delhi | 01123388534[at]nic[dot]in |
8 | Department of Atomic Energy | Shri. A.R. Sule Additional Secretary DAE |
Department of Atomic Energy, Anushakti Bhavan, C.S.M. Marg, Mumbai | 02222022492 as[at][dot]in |
9 | Department of Bio Technology | Ekta Vishnoi Joint Secretary |
Department of Biotechnology, 7th Floor, Room No. 711, Block 2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi | 01124362982 jsadmin.dbt[at]nic[dot]in |
10 | Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals | Ms. Divya Parmar Economic Advisor |
Room No. 217, A wing, Shastri Bhawan. | 01123386752 divya.parmar[at]gov[dot]in |
11 | Department of Commerce | Ms. Priya Nair Economic Adviser |
Room No. 328, Vanijya Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123039556 priyanair.10[at]gov[dot]in |
12 | Department of Consumer Affairs | Shri Shashi Bhushan Adviser Cost |
Department of Consumer Affairs, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123384840 shashibhushan.icoas[at]nic[dot]in |
13 | Department of Defence Finance | Sh. Vipin Kumar Gupta IDAS Sr. Joint CGDA |
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt | 01120893010[at]gov[dot]in |
14 | Department of Defence Production | Shri Shalabh Tyagi Joint Secretary Pers and Coord |
Department of Defence Production, Room No.135-A, South Block, New Delhi | 01123011553 Jscoord-ddp[at][dot]in |
15 | Department of Defence Research and Development | Smt. U Jeya Santhi Outstanding Scientist and DG-HR |
Room No. 202, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi | 01123016132 dghr.hqr[at]gov[dot]in |
16 | Department of Economic Affairs ACC Division | Ms. Aparna Bhatia Advisor Admin |
Room No. 34-B, North Block New Delhi | 01123095033 aparna.bhatia[at]nic[dot]in |
17 | Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities | Ms. Richa Shankar DDG |
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 5th Floor, Pt Deen Dayal Antyodaya Bhawan CGO Complex, New Delhi | 01124364394 ddg-depwd[at]gov[dot]in |
18 | Department of Ex Servicemen Welfare | Shri Pudi Hari Prasad Joint Secretary (ESW) |
Department of Ex Servicemen Welfare, 99-A South Block, DHQ PO New Delhi | 01123011804 jsesw[at]nic[dot]in |
19 | Department of Expenditure | Shri Pradeep Kumar Singh Joint Secretary E.Coord |
D/o Expenditure Room No.74-B, North Block, New Delhi | 01123093290[at]nic[dot]in |
20 | Department of Fertilizers | Mr. Anil Phulwari Director Coordination |
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123389839 anil.phulwari[at]nic[dot]in |
21 | Department of Financial Services (Banking Division) | Sh PANKAJ SHARMA Joint Secretary |
Department of Financial Services, Jeevan Deep Builiding, New Delhi | 01123346785 sobo3-dfs[at]nic[dot]in |
22 | Department of Financial Services (Insurance Division) | SH Pankaj Sharma Joint Secretary |
Department of Financial Services, Jeevan Deep Builiding, New Delhi | 01123346785 sobo3-dfs[at]nic[dot]in |
23 | Department of Financial Services (Pension Reforms) | Smt. Dakshita Das Additional Secretary |
Department of Financial Services (Pension Reforms) Room No. 36, 3rd Floor, Jeevan Deep Building, Sansad Marg, New Delhi | 011-23342287 dakshita.das[at]nic[dot]in |
24 | Department of Fisheries | Sagar Mehra Joint Secretary |
Room No. 482 Krishi Bhawan New Delhi | 011-23383781 sagar.mehra[at]nic[dot]in |
25 | Department of Food and Public Distribution | Ms. Nandita Mishra Sr. Economic Advisor |
Department of Food and Public Distribution Room No.194, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123070371 nandita.mishra[at]nic[dot]in |
26 | Department of Health & Family Welfare | Sh Elangbam Robert Singh Joint Secretary |
Department of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123063276 Robert.elangbam[at]gov[dot]in |
27 | Department of Health Research | Shri Vijay Kumar Director |
Department of Health Research, Room No. 225, Indian Red Cross Society Building, 1, Red Cross Road, NEW DELHI | 01123736218 vijay.kumar68[at]nic[dot]in |
28 | Department of Heavy Industry | Dr Renuka Mishra Sr. Economic Adviser |
Department of Heavy Industries Room No. 123-B, Udyog Bhawan New Delhi | 01123062714 ea.dhi[at]nic[dot]in |
29 | Department of Higher Education | Sh. Mrutyunjay Behera Economic Adviser |
M/o Education, D/o Higher Education, Room No.110-C,Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123381484 Mrutyunjay.b[at]nic[dot]in |
30 | Department of Investment & Public Asset Management | Smt. Param Sen Additional Secretary |
DIPAM Room No.423 , 4th Floor Block No. 14 CGO Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi | 01124368037 sen.parama68[at]gov[dot]in |
31 | Department of Justice | Niraj Kumar Gayagi Joint Secretary |
26, MAN SINGH ROAD, NEW DELHI | 01123385020 jsa2j-doj[at]gov[dot]in |
32 | Department of Land Resources | Shri P K Abdul Kareem Economic Adviser |
Department of Land Resources, Room No. 12, Ground Floor, NBO Building, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123062454 pka.kareem[at]nic[dot]in |
33 | Department of Military Affairs | Mr. Anil Kumar Chhapolia Joint Secretary - Estt and Coord |
Department of Military Affairs, Room No.97, South Block, New Delhi | 01123011410 jsg[at]nic[dot]in |
34 | Department of Official Language | Dr. Meenakshi Jolly Joint Secretary |
NDCC-II Building, 4th Floor, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi | 01123438130 jsol[at]nic[dot]in |
35 | Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare | Shri. Dhrubajyoti Sengupta Joint Secretary |
DoPPW | js-doppw[at]nic[dot]in |
36 | Department of Personnel and Training | Shri S D Sharma Joint Secretary |
Room No. 278A, North Block, New Delhi | 01123093668 som.sharma[at]nic[dot]in |
37 | Department of Pharmaceuticals | Ms. Gayatri Nair Economic Adviser |
5th Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre Building, 1 Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001 | 01121400463 gayatri.nair[at]nic[dot]in |
38 | Department of Posts | Sh. Shailendra Kumar Dwivedi DDG PG QA and I |
dak bhawan | 01123096087 ddgpgq[at][dot]in |
39 | Department of Revenue | Shri Naval Kishore Ram Joint Secretary |
D/o Revenue, Room No. 46, North Block, New Delhi | 01123095358 jsrev[at]gov[dot]in |
40 | Department of Rural Development | Ms. Kalyani Mishra Economic Advisor |
Ministry of Rural Development, DoRD India Habitat Centre, New Delhi | 01123386173 eansap-mord[at]nic[dot]in |
41 | Department of School Education and Literacy | DR. AMARPREET DUGGAL Joint Secretary Coord |
Room No.107 A-D Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123386232 jsad-moe[at]gov[dot]in |
42 | Department of Science and Technology | A Dhanalakshmi Joint Secretary |
Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016 | 01126516077 a.dhanlakshmi[at]nic[dot]in |
43 | Department of Scientific & Industrial Research | Shri Surinder Pal Singh Joint Secretary |
Room No. 517, 5th Floor, DST/DSIR Building, Technology Bhawan, Mehrauli Road, New Delhi | 01126590257 surinder.singh66[at]gov[dot]in |
44 | Department of Social Justice and Empowerment | Shri Vinesh Pachnanda Deputy Secretary |
Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex, New Delhi. | 01124369837 vinesh.pachnanda[at]nic[dot]in |
45 | Department of Space | Smt.Sandhya Venugopal Sharma Additional Secretary Personnel |
Department of Space Antriksh Bhawan New B.E.L.Road Bengaluru | 08022172303 sandhyavs[at][dot]in |
46 | Department of Sports | Sh. Kunal JS JSSports Development |
D/o Sports Room No. 504-B, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123384152 js-develop-sports[at]gov[dot]in |
47 | Department of Telecommunications | Ms. Rekha Singh Sr Deputy Director General - Public Grievances |
Department of TelecommunicationsRoom No 612, Manager DoorsancharBhawan,Old Minto Road, New Delhi | 01123221231 ddgpg-dot[at]nic[dot]in |
48 | Department of Youth Affairs | Shri Kunal JS - Sports Development |
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Room No. 504-B, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123384152 js-develop-sports[at]gov[dot]in |
49 | Legislative Department | Shri K.Biswal Additional Secretary |
Legislative Department Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department, Room No.423, A Wing, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi | 011-23387095 k.biswal[at]nic[dot]in |
50 | Ministry of Ayush | Dr. M.A. Qasmi Adviser Unani |
Ministry of Ayush, AYUSH BHAWAN, B Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi | 01124651966 mukhtar.qasmi[at]gov[dot]in |
51 | Ministry of Civil Aviation | Shri Shobhit Gupta Joint Secretary |
M/o Civil Aviation, Room No.272, 2nd Floor, B-Block,Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport,New Delhi | 01124616303 jsdg-moca[at]gov[dot]in |
52 | Ministry of Cooperation | Shri Pankaj Kumar Bansal Additional Secretary |
Delhi | 01120849005 bansalpk[at]ias.nic[dot]in |
53 | Ministry of Corporate Affairs | Sh. M.K. Sahu Director Inspection and Investigation |
Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Shastri Bhawan , New Delhi at -DGCoA Kota House , New Delhi | 01123389602 manoj.sahu[at]gov[dot]in |
54 | Ministry of Culture | Gurmeet Singh Chawla Joint Secretary |
ASI HQ | 01123075342 gurmeet.chawla[at]gov[dot]in |
55 | Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region | Ms. Anuradha S. Chagti Joint Secretary |
M/o Development of North East Region, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi | 011-23022386 anu.chagti[at]nic[dot]in |
56 | Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation | Shri Vikash Kumar Dubey Deputy Director General |
6th floor, Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi | 01124369832 vikash.dubey[at]nic[dot]in |
57 | Ministry of Earth Sciences | D. Senthil Pandiyan Joint Secretary |
Ministry of Earth Science Room No.102, Prithvi Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi | 01124629528 js[at][dot]in |
58 | Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology | Krishan Kumar Singh Joint Secretary and GC |
6, CGO Complex, Electronics Niketan, New Delhi | 01124361951 js.kksingh[at][dot]in |
59 | Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change | Shri Satyajit Mishra Joint Secretary |
1st Floor, Agni Wing, Indira Paryawaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh, New Delhi | 01120819232 satyajit.mishra[at]nic[dot]in |
60 | Ministry of External Affairs | Dr. Binoy George Joint Secretary CPV |
Ministry of External Affairs, CPV Division, Patiala House Annexe, TilakMarg, New Delhi | 01123384529 jscpv[at][dot]in |
61 | Ministry of Food Processing Industries | Shri Manoj Joshi Addl. Secretary |
Ministry of Food Processing Industries Room No.-208, Panchsheel Bhawan, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi | 01126492476 as-mofpi[at]gov[dot]in |
62 | Ministry of Home Affairs | Niraj Kumar Bansod Jt. Secretary Co-ord |
Room No. 121, North Block New Delhi | 01123092123 jscpg-mha[at]nic[dot]in |
63 | Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs | Shri Dinesh Kapila EA |
Room No. 232-C,Nirman Bhawan, New Delh | 01123062387 dinesh.kapila[at]nic[dot]in |
64 | Ministry of Information and Broadcasting | Shri Rabindra Kumar Jena Senior Economic Adviser |
Room No. 657, A Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123383857 rk.jena[at]gov[dot]in |
65 | Ministry of Labour and Employment | Sh. Nagesh Kumar Singh DDG |
Ministry of Labour and Employment, Room No.312, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg,New Delhi | 01123714820 nagesh.kumarsingh[at]nic[dot]in |
66 | Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises | Sh. Ateesh Kumar Singh Joint Secretary |
Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Room No. 49, Ground Floor Udyog Bhawan New Delhi | 01123062081 js-msme[at]gov[dot]in |
67 | Ministry of Mines | Smt Sushama Batra Deputy Secretary |
Room No - 338, A Wing III Floor Shastri Bhawan New Delhi | 01123382159 sushma.batra[at]gov[dot]in |
68 | Ministry of Minority Affairs | Shri Alok Kumar Verma Deputy Director General |
Ministry of Minority Affairs , Pt Deen Dayal Antoydaya Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi | 01124364270 ddg-mma[at]gov[dot]in |
69 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Mini Prasannakumar DDG |
Room No. 615, AAUB, Opposite CGO Complex, Lodhi Road | 01120849138 miniprasanna.k[at]nic[dot]in |
70 | Ministry of Panchayati Raj | Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh Joint Secretary |
9th Floor, Jeevan Bharati Building, New Delhi | 01123725305 mopr-js[at]gov[dot]in |
71 | Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs | Dr. Satya Prakash Additional Secretary |
R.No.87, Parliament House,New Delhi | 01123034734 asmpa[at]gov[dot]in |
72 | Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas | Shri Rohit Mathur Joint Secretary Admin General CA Parl RTI PG |
Shastri Bhawan,New Delhi | 01123380025 rohit.mathur[at]nic[dot]in |
73 | Ministry of Power | Mohd. Afzal Joint Secretary |
Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi | 01123714168 afzal_mdp[at]nic[dot]in |
74 | Ministry of Railways ( Railway Board) | Shri Mukul Saran Mathur Additional Member Commercial |
Ministry of Railways , Rail Bhawan New Delhi | 01123382112 amc[at][dot]in |
75 | Ministry of Road Transport and Highways | Sh. Kamlesh Chaturvedi Joint Secretary |
Room No.323, Transport Bhawan,SansadMarg, New Delhi | 01123753991 k.chaturvedi[at]gov[dot]in |
76 | Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship | Ms. Archana Mayaram Economic Advisor |
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Room No.311, Kaushal Bhawan, New Moti Bagh, New Delhi | 01126773311 archana.mayaram[at]gov[dot]in |
77 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation | Shri Tanweer Qamar Mohammad Joint Secretary |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Room no. 309, Khurshid Lal Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi | 01123455325 tq.mohammad[at]gov[dot]in |
78 | Ministry of Steel | Shri Sanjay Roy Joint Secretary |
Ministry of Steel Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123061250 sanjay.roy14[at]nic[dot]in |
79 | Ministry of Textiles | Shri Ajay Gupta Joint Secretary |
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi | 01123063117 js-ajaygupta[at]gov[dot]in |
80 | Ministry of Tourism | Mr. Sanjay Singh Deputy Director General |
Ministry of Tourism 7st floor, 36 Janpath, New Delhi | 01123714202 sanjay.singh1[at]nic[dot]in |
81 | Ministry of Tribal Affairs | Ms. Athira S. Babu Economic Advisor |
Ministry of Tribal Affair, Jeevan Tara Building, New Delhi | 01123340005 athira.babu[at]gov[dot]in |
82 | Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation | Ms. Priyanka Kulshreshtha DDG MI Stat |
Room No. 01, B Wing, 2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi | 01124699496 priyanka.kulshreshtha[at]nic[dot]in |
83 | Ministry of Women and Child Development | Gyanesh Bharti Additional Secretary |
Ministry of Woman and Child Development Shastri Bhawan New Delh | 01123388442[at]ias.nic[dot]in |
84 | NITI Aayog | Shri K S Rejimon Joint Secretary |
RoomNo. 233 NITI Aayog, Sansad Marg, New Delhi | 01123096545 ks.rejimon[at]nic[dot]in |
85 | O/o the Comptroller & Auditor General of India | SHRI K SUBRAMANIAM Director General |
9, Deen Dayal Upadhayaya Marg, New Delhi | 01123238592 pdstaff[at][dot]in |
86 | Securities and Exchange Board of India | Shri Krishnanand Raghavan Chief General Manager |
OIAE-IGRD, Securities and Exchange Board of India SEBI Bhavan, II BKC, Plot No. C-7, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra | 02226449632 krishnanandr[at][dot]in |
87 | Staff Selection Commission | Sh. R.K. Jain Member |
Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi | 01124362242 member2[at]ssc.nic[dot]in |
88 | Unique Identification Authority of India | Shri Neeraj Kumar Director CRM Division |
Unique Identification Authority of India, 6th Floor, UIDAI Headquarter Building, Bangla Sahib Road, Gole Market, New Delhi | 01123478453 dir.crm-hq[at][dot]in |